Tuesday, September 6, 2011

so much fun!

 Well, here's my little catch up on my blog.  I kind of miss my 365 blog for the fact that I was motivated to post everyday...now I just feel like I miss so much because everything happens so fast! Here's my last few photo moments in a nutshell:
 Our little children went back to school today.  Anna, grade 5, Kimball grade 4, Sammy grade 2, and Norah starts Joy School today!
 Anna, we curled her hair. That was fun.  She told me she thinks I am the best hair doer in the universe.
  What a sweet girl.

 Kimball, I actually got him to smile with his teeth showing.  Miracle.

 Okay, Kimball harvested his pumpkins and man! were they ever jungle plants!  He named them Jimmy Jack Joe Carl Steve Petunia Edmund and...he is so proud of them.  
Were they ever prickly to harvest though (note the gloves)
 Berwick Labor Day 3 km youth fun run.  I think they just put the word fun in there because it rhymes with run.  It was FUN for the first 500m and then the last 2 metres.  Let's be honest.  They all finished it though and a FUN time was had by all.
 I got my new backdrop today and asked Anna to model with the love of her life. 
I mean it, this puppy is adored by this little girl!

 Potter!  Who cuts your hair?!

 Joy school went really great today.  I love teaching preschoolers!  Look at them eating their little snack!

 This is Norah on her first day of school.  She's another one who is hard to get a real smile out of...

Anna harvested her pumpkins as well.  I can't wait to make pumpkin muffins, pie, and roast pumpkin...

1 comment:

  1. wow- and i thought I was busy! i enjoyed your update and look forward to hearing about your Joy School experience. Mia starts her Play School on Thursday and is about bursting at the seams...today she said, "I'm almost ten you know, that means I can go to high school"- yikes!
    p.s. she still asks to go camping with Kimball:)
